Cosmetic Dentist leander

Cosmetic Smile Makeovers!

Before & After Photos

Real People - Transformational Results!

Case 1 - Before

Case 1 - After

Cosmetic Case #1
Our patient presented to our office with significant wear on his front teeth from grinding and his heavy bite. He was also missing a tooth that was replaced by a bridge. He did not like the color match compared to the rest of his teeth. He has been living with this problem for years and finally wanted the problem to go away.

Our Solution: To achieve this smile makeover, we placed a new porcelain bridge alongside two upper crowns on the upper left side.  On the lower front teeth, we placed four full-coverage porcelain crowns. The results are amazing!

Case 2 - Before

Case 2 - After

Cosmetic Case #2
Problem: Our patient presented to our office with discolored front teeth. As a teenager, she had trauma to her front left central tooth resulting in a root canal. Root canal-treated teeth can discolor and become gray/yellow over time.

Our Solution: To achieve this smile makeover, our patient chose the option of Zoom whitening all her front teeth and cosmetic veneers on her eight upper teeth. The results look great!

Cosmetic Dentistry
Cases 3 & 4

Case 3 - Before

Case 3 - After

Cosmetic  Case #3
Our patient presented to our office with her chief complaint of “small, broken down teeth.” She was embarrassed by her smile.

Our Solution: To achieve this smile makeover, we placed all-porcelain crowns on the front central teeth and veneers on the lateral incisors and canines.

Case 4 - Before

Case 4 - After

Cosmetic Case #4
Our patient presented to our office with the chief complaint of fixing all his front teeth. He had been wearing a “grill” to mask his front teeth.

Our Solution: To achieve this smile makeover, we removed all his decay, did a root canal on his front side right tooth, and placed all-porcelain crowns.

Cosmetic Dentistry
Case 5 & 6

Case 5 - Before

Case 5 - After

Cosmetic Case #5
Problem:  Our patient came to our office complaining about her discolored teeth, decay around her existing crowns, missing upper first molars, and relapse of her orthodontic work done previously when she was a teenager. She brought in a picture of how her teeth looked like when she was younger after orthodontic treatment.

Our Solution: To achieve this smile makeover, the patient agreed to have us remove her cavities, replace her existing crowns that had cavities underneath them, and place multiple veneers and two bridges to replace her missing molars. The patient was thrilled with her results!

Case 6 - Before

Case 6 - After

Cosmetic Case #6
Problem: When our patient first came to see us, she complained about being ashamed of her smile because she had developed unsightly white spots (decalcification areas) on her front six teeth following her orthodontic treatment as a teenager. Further, she did not like the yellowish-brown spots or the noticeable tooth decay on her front teeth due to her increased sugar intake. Now in her 40s, she was ready for a change and a smile that she was no longer ashamed of!

Our Solution: To achieve this smile makeover, our patient agreed to have us remove her cavities and place multiple crowns and veneers, making her smile better than ever!

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